``` tell application "Finder" set {myItems, myfonts} to {entire contents of (choose folder), {}} repeat with i in myItems set myfonts to myfonts & (name of i & tab & kind of i & tab & version of i & tab & size of i & tab & short date string of ((creation date of i) as date)) & return end repeat set the clipboard to myfonts as string end tell ``` #dtp
tell application "Finder"
set {myItems, myfonts} to {entire contents of (choose folder), {}}
repeat with i in myItems
set myfonts to myfonts & (name of i & tab & kind of i & tab & version of i & tab & size of i & tab & short date string of ((creation date of i) as date)) & return
end repeat
set the clipboard to myfonts as string
end tell
``` #dtp