Today, it was announced that one of Japan's large Mastodon servers,, will be shut down after a month.

There have been changes to operators on large servers so far, but it is the first time for large servers to be shut down, and attention is being paid to what effect this may have.

Japan's mastodon user's timeline is temporarily bustling with this topic.

Official announcement

News Site Articles

@arjen Their main business earnings are deteriorating and they have to give up various services. (It was run by a for-profit company)

Mastodon did not generate direct revenue, nor did it generate synergy.

@noellabo @arjen Think they would be open to transferring the service to users as a #platformcoop?

cc: @emi


@mattcropp @arjen @emi
In this case, I think it will be closed without being transferred.

It is a service for fans of video sharing services of operating companies, and many features are derived from the services of operating companies, and it is difficult to process trademarks and rights.

If transferred, I think it is difficult to inherit the culture so far.

